
Random Clicks

A quirky click is worth a thousand smiles.

Here's one from the good folks at The Onion.

And more proof that dogs are worthy of our best friendship.

And last but not least, not only must we endure nose-picking, snot eating slogs in traffic, now we get to see them on YouTube. Yet another reason not to run for office.


Becca said...

The secret? Don't waste your money!
The dog...good doggey!
The congressperson..well that just confirms what I was thinking of some of them....

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA @ "The Onion"
Yeah, I'm eatin' my breakfast every day, but I gotta say, ever since I've maintained positive thinking (or a state of general delusion), things have been going pretty well and it'd be awfully negative for me to say something snarky or snide, or even smartassed now wouldn't it?
Uh huh.. but it's still mighty damned funny...

Booger picking?
Have you seen the fart one?
It's hysterical!!!

NB said...

HA! You can never be too tan...

The one of the guy trying to quickly disguise what he's actually doing is just soooo gross. Man. You'd think these people would realize they are on freakin' TV!
I'd heard/read about the dog that performed the Heimlich. You know... there's a joke in there somewhere... something about doing the Heimlich just after doing a Hineylick... or some other such yuckity-yuck-yuck.
Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Do you have a guestbook that I'm completely missing??

The patient is in his 60s and off the vent and his bruising/swelling is down.

Come back Friday - another good picture for the contest!!

Anonymous said...


Laughing at the Secret spoof. Even though it is a philosophy that I have been following for a decade and a half there are aspects of the ridiculous to it that I have never suscribed to. Mostly everything they have touched on there. *snort*

Maybe a dog would save my life, but I would still have to follow it around town and pick up poop in a baggie. ugh. The whole thought of it makes me gag. Our plan is to get our Brittany Spanial in another year when Calla will think it is cool to pick up dog poo in a baggie.

Speaking of gagging...did you have to put up a video of a nose picker?! I bet his mama is so proud of him...

By the way...I finished the Soundtrack to my Life. I am putting it in list form on my site instead of in my blog...mostly because it was so hilarious and fun. And so totally me.

Tanya said...

Love the dog story!!

And yes, that was Logan's very first haircut. I guess we won't be going broke because of that huh?

Anonymous said...

Boy, he was sure diggin' for gold, wasn't he??

Be sure to check out www.havidol.com. Most fun!

Jeri said...

I love the Secret spoof! I'm not a Secret/law of attraction follower - those philosophies contrary to my puritan work ethic and belief in karma - so I got a good chuckle there.

My dogs would only do the Heimlich for me if they thought I was choking on a dog treat. ;)

Anonymous said...

You find the best stuff.