
The Wheels on the Bus Go Round 'n Round...

Long story short, we're on the other side of the insurance deal and we done good. We got a fair price and then some for our van - $5K more than the other insurance company was going to offer us which makes no sense. But don't get me going on insurance companies.

Short story long, we just inked a friends and family deal on a 2009 Honda Pilot. We pick it up Monday when we slap down our piggy banks. Here she is, in all her dark cherry and black leather glory.But holy schmoly, what a long process this has been.

During this whole process, we had company in from Canada, our 20th wedding anniversary ~ to which I still owe Holy hub a present - not that a brand-new, big-breasted SUV (stupidly uneconomical vehicle) isn't present enough. But we have yet to really celebrate our two decades with a proper date night, although we did enjoy a nice dinner with friends at a waterfront restaurant.

So with all this behind us, I'm hoping to still salvage a mini-camping trip late summer. I really want to test drive it in style and head due southeast to Utah. Fingers crossed.

Anyhoo, I see a couch and some pj's calling my name. Who woulda thunk car-price haggling would be such exhausting business?